Kawanna Salary is coming!
Kawanna Salary is a region specific online salary benchmarking and remuneration service for the construction , contracting and mining sectors. Kawanna Salary will absorb the annual Drayton’s Civil Construction Remuneration Survey.

The sectors covered are as follows:
Electrical and mechanical engineering; and
Kawanna Salary will focus on regions in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
We will work with our clients to provide an up to date comprehensive salary and remuneration data for listed positions. The positions surveyed will be supported by position descriptions.
Accessing the survey data is simple and can be through a number of ways. Clients can register on line to have access to the full survey, parts of the survey for regions or sectors, or clients can simply email or contact our office to purchase reports on a single position if need be.
More information will be provided regarding this service to clients in early 2018.